About us

In our project “Remember to act” we want engage the young people from Germany, Georgia and Azerbaijan to understand the past through cultural remembrance, to learn the present situation by non-formal learning on peace education and to act for the future based on their learning in the previous 2 phases of the project.

Through non-formal methods like “Living Library”, “Suitcase of my life” and “Oral history” activities young people will gain a deep understanding how past atrocities and conflicts came about, in order to learn how to avoid them in the future. These activities will raise their awareness about the past and they will better understand importance to actively counter historical revisionism, anti-Semitism, group-focused enmity.

To empower young people to actively advocate for and promote peace and democracy, we will provide non-formal peace education trainings for them.

In the final stage of our project, we will organise an Ideathon. Young people will be encouraged to initiate their own project ideas on how to overcome historical revisionism, war and war-like conflicts, but also anti-Semitism and group-focused enmity. This way we hope to increase youth participation in peace and democratic processes.

The project is implemented by the 3 NGOs “Gemeinsam leben & lernen in Europa” (Germany), “Nayora” – Azərbaycan Respublikası Gənclər Təşkilatları Milli Şurası (Azerbaijan) and ProActive Group Georgia. It is funded by the programme MEET UP! Youth for Partnership, which is financed by the Foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future” (EVZ), the Federal Foreign Office Germany, and the Civil Society Cooperation.


Funding Organisation

Partner Organisations