Partner Organisations
About us
Remember to act is a partnership between Germany, Azerbaijan and Georgia. The partnership aims to achieve that young people develop a deep understanding of the atrocities of National Socialism and warlike conflicts through intergenerational dialogue and storytelling. To empower young people to be actively engaged in shaping the society they live in and defending peace & human rights, partners will support them to plan and implement their own project ideas.
The partnership is funded by the program „MEET UP! Youth for Partnership“.

Gemeinsam Leben und Lernen in Europa
The NGO “Gemeinsam leben und lernen in Europa e. V.” (GLL) is a private grassroot NGO in the region of eastern Bavaria, with its head office in Passau.
The main emphasis of GLLs work is to initiate cooperation, activities and projects among the different individuals, organizations and communities who are all working to eliminate discrimination and inequality, wherever it appears. Therefore members of the organisation are local communities, districts, social organisations, private companies, decision makers and citizens.
The promotion of equal opportunity for everyone is combated by projects and mainstreaming activities in the field of a) promotion of lifelong learning, b) fighting discrimination and racism by promoting tolerance and diversity, c) advancement of volunteer work within the community, d) the support of disadvantaged target groups, e) educational work, f) gender mainstreaming activities and g) innovative form of mainstreaming activities.
Our target groups are migrants, socially disadvantaged people, older people, less-qualified workers, unemployed, migrants, as well as immigrants, women, families, disabled people or people with health restrictions, because they are particularly affected by discrimination and inequality. GLL’s goal is promote their integration into society by means of the activities and measures of their association and active involvement of the various target groups.
GLL has initiated and implemented a lot of local and transnational volunteer led projects (e.g. volunteer language mentoring programs, volunteer trainings, intercultural and intergenerational projects, inclusive film festivals, democracy projects) and runs an inclusive, intergenerational and intercultural community center in Passau. Its volunteer training “Professional Volunteering (ProVol) was disseminated in 5 other European countries, and is for example now an accredited training on national level in Czech Republic and supported by the Ministry of Interior.
For its efforts in the field of integration of migrants, promoting the European ideas and volunteering GLL had won many awards: It has won the “Active Citizens of Europe Prize” of the European Parliament (2015), “Citizen Award of the Bavarian Parliament” (2018), the “Integration award of the government of Lower Bavaria” (2015, 2011), the “European Citizenship Award (2018), the award “Europa-Lillie” by the Europa Union Professional (2014); the “Active Citizens of Europa Award” (2014), Dr. Rembold Inclusion prize (2019), award “Active for Democracy and Tolerance” (2016), “Innovation Award in Volunteering” by BAGFA, award-winner “Deutschland – Land der Ideen – Ideen für die Bildungsrepublik” (initative “Germany – Country of Ideas: Ideas for the Republic of Education” by the German Federal Government and German industry, 2013), 2nd place of the “Publikumspreis Deutscher Bürgerpreis” (2014 – Public Award of the “German Citizens Award”, Germany’s most significant national prize to be awarded to volunteers and volunteer organisations), Women’s Award of the SPD Lower Bavaria (2014), award winner of “Ideas for a better future” initiative of German UNESCO (2011), and “Volunteer Award” in the category NGO by the CSU Passau (2010).
In the head office 12 (volunteer and paid) staff members coordinate the various projects and the approximately 150 volunteers of the organisations, who contribute around 2.000 hours per month in the various projects of GLL. The involved active volunteers as well as the 156 members of the organisation represent the diversity of society: aged between 18 – 82 years, with and without a migrant/refugee background, employed, unemployed, retired, with and without disabilities (mental, intellectual or physical) and with various educational backgrounds. Through our various projects GLL reaches about 4.000 – 5.000 learners/visitors of their various projects and activities every year.
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA)
National Assembly of Youth Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) founded in 1995 and documental registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan in 1996. NAYORA is the leading youth organization in Azerbaijan. The organization, which unites 137 youth organizations is the only confederative structure of youth and youth organizations in the country and the only coordination and co-operational centre, which organizes and provides their international integration.
The mission of the NAYORA is to coordinate the activities for its member youth organizations within the structure, to create a value-based environment for their inclusive development, and to integrate competencies at national, regional and international level.
Generally, the NAYORA is aimed:
- To coordinate activities of member and non-member youth organizations within its structure;
- To support the participation of youth and youth organizations in social-inclusion, community-building and decision-making;
- To discover the contemporary needs of youth organizations in the national and international level and provide international integration of Azerbaijani youth;
- To create an environment for the positive formation of policy concerning the young people and youth organizations;
- To encourage youth work among youngsters and share good practices in order to break stereotypes of cultural and social beliefs.
Proactive Group Georgia
Proactive Group Georgia is a civil society organization, whose mission is to promote and support the development of a free, democratic and progressive-minded proactive society. We create learning opportunities for young people through promoting civil activism, social entrepreneurship, democratic youth participation, cultural diversity, by various non-formal education methods and activities, which helps people to grow on a personal and professional level, to be more proactive citizen of society. Moreover, we equip them with various Soft & Hard skills for employability. In order to achieve our organization mission, we implement local/ international projects with donors and supporters. As a result, we implement different local and international activities with donors and supporters, having joint events with public/private university/school representatives, also taking active part in Erasmus+ program.
Since 2016, our NGO empowering youth locally and globally by advocating youth work at local and international level, participating and organizing different international projects and events. Board members of the organization have over 7 years of working experience and expertise in different topics, such as: non-formal education, youth policies, volunteerism, active citizenship and youth participation, inclusion, human rights and youth work. Thanks for our international partners, we have already many successful partnership projects within Erasmus+ program and had an opportunity to send youth groups(high school student, teachers, youth) to various international projects, over 400 youth so far in total, and keeping active level in E+ projects, means we have strong network of international partners all over the Europe and beyond. We also have experience of hosting various international projects, co-organizing together with EU institutions, Erasmus+, USAID/Georga, Visegrad Fund, governmental organizations and with other international NGO’s since 2016. Thanks again to our strongly developed international partnerships, we have been part of 2 years long term capacity building KA2 projects about local Youth Councils empowerment, where we hosted Admin Meeting in January, 2020 and “VOTE” project for promoting democratic youth participation in rural regions of Georgia, within we implemented local campaigns in rural areas of Georgia. As, the Georgian community is very diverse, includes different minorities from neighboring countries and beyond, we support promotion of diversity as positive resource, which can create common goods for together living. For this reasons, we support youth with fewer opportunities from regions and disadvantaged areas, IDP’s, different minorities, to become part of our local and international activities.
Organization target group: Youth with fewer opportunities facing geographical and economical obstacles; Living in rural areas of Georgia, high school and university students, Youth age of 14-30. Activity Fields: Youth Participation; Democracy; Intercultural Dialogue & cultural heritage; Employability and Entrepreneurship; European Citizenship. Organization has 2 regional branches in Zugdidi and Senaki Municipality, where we actively organize different local community development initiatives, trainings, entrepreneurship week for local enterprises, exhibitions for crafters, regional youth and teachers conferences, in active cooperation with Zugdidi Innovations & Tech park and Senaki municipality schools.