International Workshop in Germany

Objectives of the activity

At the beginning of the project, the partners participated in a 5-day train-the-trainer session on cultural remembrance and peace education in Passau, Germany. As it was the first meeting within this partnership, the objectives were the following:

That is why the main aims for the first meeting are the following:

  • to get to know each other organizations, local/national context, needs, expectations …
  • to get to know people involved in the project from all partner organizations
  • to get to know partner organizations profile and their experience
  • to have a train-the-trainer-sessions on inspiring rememberance, intergenerational projects and activities provided and conducted by German partner

Apart from that, it served as a kick-off meeting to start the joint project: 

  • to share expectations and fears connected with the project
  • to decide on the working programme for the whole project
  • to discuss contributions of each partner and task division
  • to decide on the final outcome of the project
  • to introduce administrative and financial issues connected with the grant
  • to sign the bilateral contracts
  • and to agree on first content for project guideline and train-the-trainer concept.

Desciptions of the activity

The 5-day workshop consisted of several activities:

  • Interactive methods to find out more about our partners and get to know each other 
  • Introduction to the project “Remember to act” (understanding the idea)
  • Unterstanding the power of oral history and storytelling: presentation by the German coordinator, discussion
  • Suitcase of my life: presentation of the method by the German coordinator, testing the method in international tandems and creativity workshops, reflection of the method
  • Living library: presentaiton of the method by the German coordinator,  how to set up your own Living library project: developing joint ideas and concepts in international teams
  • Cultural evenings „Taste of Germany“, „Taste of Georgia“, „Taste of Azerbiajan“: joint cooking of typcical dihes of the parnter countries, dinner together 

Quote of an involved young person

„One of the most enjoyable aspects of the workshop was interacting with participants from Germany and Georgia. I also appreciated the opportunity to work in tandem with someone from a different country and share life stories. It was a powerful way to connect with others and to build trust and understanding. It was fascinating to learn about their cultures, perspectives, and experiences.“ – Fatima, visitor from Azerbaijan

Over the last few days, we became very aware of how important it is to exchange stories and experiences with different partners. The stories of the partners from Georgia and Azerbaijan also touched us very much and showed me how ignorant we are about these countries and how important it is to get more information about them.“ – Celine, volunteer from Germany 

Quote of an involved staff member

The workshops on remembrance culture helped to understand better the importance of preserving the memories, analyze experiences of different communities, and I now have a deeper understanding of the role that memories play in shaping our identities and shaping our perspectives.“ – Giorgi, project manager