Oral history Georgia

Objectives of the activity

To raise young people awareness about importance of remembrance culture and foster young people’s commitment to be involved in democratic processes and the Peace Movement. Young people from rural area of Bolnisi Municipality, which is populated by multicultural community, ethnically Azerbaijani, Armenians and Georgians, also always welcome IDPs from Abkhazia, Georgia or Refugees from Ukraine, currently many people from Ukraine sheltered in Bolinisi by different families. During the activity, Participants learned about concepts & methods of non-formal learning, oral history method and importance youth participation, inclusion and co-living  together with people from different cultural background and ethnicity. during the activity. To empower young people to be actively engaged in shaping the society they live in and defending peace and to become more proactive citizens.

Descriptions of the activity

Training of Oral history method. Trainer explained the method, how to prepare for the interviews, how to choose topic, key elements of storytelling, how plan the activity step by step. Participants made practical workshop about preparing questionnaire and simulation of storytelling too, which was directly linked to the activity objectives and topics of remembrance culture and youth participation.  Participants watched and discussed also one of the local oral history example linked to the activity, which filmed within oral history activity.

Quote of an involved young person

Non-formal education activities, oral history is the great way to learn about important topics, such as peace education and activism. – Luka Kokaia, 17 y.o. Participant.

Quote of an involved staff member

It always so inspiring to work with and for young people, to empower and motivate them to become proactive changemakers, peace activists of their communities. – Giorgi Agirbaia, Founder of ProActive Group Georgia.


August War Museum

In Gori, near the dividing line, in the village of Ergneti, the local Lia Chlachidze opened the „War Museum“ in the basement of her house. In the museum, the items and photos that tell the stories of the August 2008 war between Russia and Georgia are collected. The story of the war is told by the space itself – the basement, which was burned during the August war. Lia Chlachidze, who was helped by many people in opening this museum, says that this museum is an opportunity for people to understand what war brings.

Lia Rikadze

After the war in Abkhazia, Lia Rikadze left home city Gagra, she was sheltered by Bolnisi municipality and the friendly people of Bolnisi, where her family started a new life. Our respondent, who today is actively involved in the education field, as a teacher in one of the schools of Bolnisi municipality, shares her experience about the life divided into two parts, before and after war. She believes, that we should be re-united through education and strengthening of socio-cultural ties with each other.

Giorgi Jakhaia

Giorgi Jakhaia, blogger from Abkhazia shares about war experience, how they left Sokhumi which was under siege and present situation, attitude of the people from his perspective. Giorgi Jakhaia: for 30 years haven’t been at home, it’s very emotional and sensitive for me, haven’t visited my ancestors graves. Personal connections and ties are very important and we should strengthen it via different channels and sources.

Nanin Maisuradze

Nani Maisuradze, IDP student from Samachablo. She and her family became internally displaced persons during 2008 august war between Georgia and Russia. After war, Nani’s colorful childhood changed to monochromatic houses, but all these experience empowered her to set new goals when she entered to Tbilisi State University at the faculty of Law. Nanin Maisuradze: „Young people should be more actively engaged in different educational projects, activism, forums, discussions, because it leads to the progress and development. As the elder generation says: „Youth are Power“ – we should turn into reality and we are the generation which will change this world for better, every young person should be actively engaged and contribute country’s development.“