By Johanna, 20, Ideathon participant from Germany 

At the End of August, I had the opportunity to travel with four other people from Germany to Tbilisi in Georgia. Our goal was to work on ideas to promote remembrance culture in our home countries. These ideas were developed by us together with young people from Azerbaijan and Georgia in online sessions of the Ideathon before our trip to Georgia where we met the others in real life.

In two meeting days we worked on our idea, created an action plan, presented the idea to the project managers and trained to convince other people of our idea. I learned a lot about project management, teamwork and presentations, but also about the topic of the project: remembrance culture. We talked a lot about the history of the other countries, and it was very interesting to listen to the stories and experiences of the other young people. The history of Georgia was even presented to us by our hosts in a walk of remembrance through Tbilisi, where we among other things visited the Museum of Occupation.

Throughout the whole trip I liked the atmosphere between the participants. Even though we all are from different countries we had a lot of things in common and shared experiences from our countries so I learned also a lot about the life in Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Tbilisi is a beautiful city with a lot of things to see and to experience and it was a eventful trip! I am very glad, that I had the opportunity to meet all this people, learn about these things and to see Tbilisi!