My résumé of my first transnational meeting

My résumé of my first transnational meeting

My first transnational meeting is over.  I come out of these 5 days with an optimistic and motivated energy. More than three nationalities came together and spent the days in Passau. In advance I was very nervous. One reason was that I had to design and conduct a...
My first transnational meeting

My first transnational meeting

From 25.08.2022 to 30.08.2022 my first transnational meeting took place. Project partners from Georgia and Azerbaijan came to Passau for the 5-day workshop. This was my first week of internship at the association „Living and learning together“ and it...
Our 1st Transnational Meeting in Germany

Our 1st Transnational Meeting in Germany

By Ramin Habibzada, a youth leader, Secretary General of the National Youth Council of Azerbaijan (NAYORA) Being a part of the team as a participant from Azerbaijan, I participated in our first transnational meeting with the partners in Passau, Germany within our...